Code Structure

This section seeks to give a description of the code structure so new developers can get aquainted with how the main components of the user interface link to the folders in the code base.

The diagram below shows a general view of the MalcolmJS interface:


An example of the MalcolmJS interface

The main components of this page are the block details on the left and right which are held in a drawer container, the nav bar at the top of the page and the layout view in the middle pane. We will explore this components in more detail in the following sections.

Drawer Container

The main container component for MalcolmJS is the drawer container, this component holds the drawers on either side and the main panel in the middle behind the drawers.

The drawer container itself does not have much functionality, it simply holds other components.

Block Details

The block details component is again another container component but this time specifically focused on an individual block. The block details component pulls together all the attributes on a block and works out if they should be displayed in groups, as methods, or if they are a top attribute.


The block details panel in the main UI

Attribute Details

Each attribute is displayed in an attribute details component, this component is responsible for working out which widget to use for the given attribute.

The main structure of the attribute details component is the alarm status, the label and then the widget for that attribute.


The attribute details inside the block details


Methods are special attributes that get displayed with their own component because of the extra complexity around handling their state for the inputs as well as tracking the outputs returned by Malcolm.

The method component generally consists of a set of inputs (again selected using the same mechanism as in the attribute details) and then a run button. If the method returns outputs then they will be shown below the run button when they are received.


A method inside the block details

Layout Component

The layout folder in the code base contains everything related to displaying the layout of Malcolm blocks. In the example below we can see various blocks that each have ports and those ports have links joining them together.

The blocks, ports and links all have folders with corresponding code.


An example of the layout component


Generally all of the code in the Malcolm folder defines the business logic for the MalcolmJS system, the idea being to keep as much of the Malcolm related code together so it can potentially be distributed as a separate library.

The top level of this folder contains the top level MalcolmJS redux types, the socket handling and various utility functions.


The actions folder contains all the actions for performing malcolm related Redux operations, e.g. sending a message back to Malcolm, calling a Malcolm method or changing the layout of the blocks.


The reducers folder has all the reducers that mutate the state related to malcolm operations.


The middleware folder has all the code related to sending messages to the Malcolm websocket.


The malcolm handlers relate to the malcolm socket handler in the root malcolm folder and provide the logic for processing attributes, etc.


The folder contains all the UI components for displaying attributes, however these components are more generally used throughout the UI to show inputs for methods as well as controls inside table cells.

To review these components individually you can run Storybook with npm run storybook to explore these components outside of the MalcolmJS interface.