
The continuous integration environment using Travis automatically deploys the built code bundle to Github when a particular commit is tagged. Therefore, to release MalcolmJS all you need to do is tag a commit and push that tag back to the server.

Once the resulting build is complete then the release will appear in the list of MalcolmJS releases.

Tags should take the form major.minor.patch #-#-#, the artifacts then use git describe to append the number of commits since the tag as well as the SHA if relevant.

The resulting code package can then be downloaded and bundled into a deployment of PyMalcolm. Alternatively you can statically serve the bundle locally using something like the npm package http-server.


The recommended way to authenticate is to use a GitHub OAuth token. It must have the public_repo or repo scope to upload assets. Instead of setting it up manually, it is highly recommended to use travis setup releases, which automatically creates and encrypts a GitHub oauth token with the correct scopes.

This results in something similar to:

  provider: releases
  file: "FILE TO UPLOAD"
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true::

If doing this from within Diamond, one should generate keys using the dls-controls-user GitHub account (login details available from Controls password vault). Travis CLI tools can be obtained by loading the Ruby module with module load ruby.