Setting up a Development Environment

Code Development

  • node >= 8.5.0

To develop MalcolmJS you need a stable version of node (>=8.5.0 but it was developed against 8.9.0) and your OS needs to be able to run Chromium (for the end-to-end tests) - this means RHEL 7 or above but Windows has also been used as a development environment.

You will also need a git client of some form and then you can clone the code from the MalcolmJS github page

Navigate to the root of the repository and run

npm install

This will install all dependencies and development dependencies to run and develop MalcolmJS.

The available commands for developing with are listed in package.json as well as being documented in the Maintenance chapter; all commands are runnable from the shell using node so should be cross platform.

However, the main commands needed to develop are:

npm start
npm run storybook
npm test
npm run e2e

While in theory you can develop the code in any text editor, it is recommended that some form of IDE is used with syntax support for JavaScript and React. Both Webstorm and Visual Studio Code were used during this latest phase of development.

Documentation Development

The documentation is all in reStructuredText. The documentation can be edited in any text editor but some editors provide extra support for viewing a preview of the result (e.g. Sublime Text).

The final documentation is built for Read the Docs using Sphinx.

Setting up a virtual environment

In a Diamond environme

[To be written]

In an environment you control

To build the documentation locally you need to have a virtual environment set up:

pip install virtualenv

To make it easier to work with virtual environments you should install virtualenvwrapper on linux or virtualenvwrapper-win on Windows

pip install virtualenvwrapper

or on windows

pip install virtualenvwrapper-win

Then make a new virtual environment:

mkvirtualenv malcolmjs-docs

Change in to the root of the code and connect the codebase with the virtual environment:

cd {root of code base e.g. C:\code\malcolmjs}
setproject dir .

Install the dependencies:

pip install -r ./docs/source/requirements.txt

To deactivate the environment run:


Running a docs build

To drop into the virtual env to run the build

workon malcolmjs-docs
npm run build-docs

The same build step can be done by running the Makefile in the root of the repo or manually running the command sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build/html

You can then open .\docs\build\html\index.html in a browser to view the results.